9 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Zakat untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Pasca Pandemi Covid-19

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    The research is aim to analyze the effect of the zakat instrument on poverty and unemployment and test the zakat instrument as an alternative solution to the economic impact of the middle to lower class post-pandemic community. It uses least square regression as the method of analysis. Where the method is in line with the research objectives that is to test the form of the relationship and the level of significance of the effect of the observed variable. Findings show that H01 is rejected and H11 is accepted, or the zakat instrument has a negative relationship with the poverty and unemployment instrument. As well as the zakat instrument also has a significant effect on the poverty and unemployment instrument or H12 accepted. This research is limited to the geography of Indonesian research. By taking secondary data from reliable sources related to research topics, such as the Baznaz and BPS websites. The time interval for data in this study was taken from 2002 to 2019. Developed from Beik & Arsyanti (2016) published in the journal of Islamic monetary economics and finance 1 (2) pages 141-160 with the title Measuring Zakat Impact on Poverty and Welfare using the Cibest Model. And current research will review with empirical evidence through secondary data about the effectiveness of the zakat instrument in overcoming economic problems in the middle to lower society, especially regarding poverty and unemployment. This aims to strengthen the reasons for submitting zakat instruments to be applied as an alternative solution for post-pandemic economic restoration tools. By taking case simulations from previous crises and testing their effects in the long run. Therefore, in the current research, the method that will be applied is least square regression. Because it is in accordance with the objectives and research conditions at this time. It is a form of refinement on previous research and development with the latest economic cases

    Islamic Ethics in Medical Device Business During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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    This study aims to examine ethical values from the point of view of Islamic religious teachings in the medical device business during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, three major discussions were carried out, namely reviewing Islamic ethical standards in business in a special situation, describing medical device business practices that are not by Islamic ethics in reality, and Islamic criticism of these practices. The results of the study explain that there are violations that are not by Islamic business ethics in the medical device business during this pandemic. And there is a proposed solution to overcome this, namely, the related producers better collaborate with the government so that distribution in the market is more secure. And the government is also expected to maintain confidence in managing the needs of the community in a crisis like this. As is done in the United States by giving production rights to private entrepreneurs, distribution is determined by the government to maintain prices and distribute evenly to the community

    Christian Tithe vis-a-vis Islamic Zakat Concept: A Comparative Study in Socio-Economic Scope

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    This study is aim to compare a social fund concept in Islam and Christian. Comparing a tithe as an instrumen of christian social funds and zakat as an instrument of Islamic social funds. Moreover, this study will delve a scheme of each concepts and compare its effeciency in achieve a socio-economic goals. The study was applied a dual qualitative methods. The first is literature review method, which is use to identify a relevant theories of a study. Theories will be compared by a second method, that is, qualitative comparative analysis method. The findings is, tithe and zakat has same objectives, that is, a human prosperity. But, both of these differences in collecting and distribution procedure. A tithe is collected of 10% from a congregation when he gets sustenance. And the distribution is left to the church for any purpose. Meanwhile, a total collection fund of zakat is only 2.5% per Muslim. Then, it’s only obligated to a man who meet requirement. Distribution concept that was regulated in Islamic scripture (Qur’an)f. The research was only compare a tithe and zakat instruments as a representation of Islam and Christian social funds. And the study was only a theoritical research. That is limited in Islam and Christian in social-economic views. The study inspired by two previous studies, that is, Dahl & Ransom (1999) and the study of Ahmad & Mahmood (2009). Researcher hasn’t found a study as like as this study yet. So, it can be stated that it was an original study

    Hybrid fuzzy-PID like optimal control to reduce energy consumption

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    The electric motor is one of the appliances that consume considerable energy. Therefore, the control method which can reduce energy consumption with better performance is needed. The purpose of this research is to minimize the energy consumption of the DC motor with maintaining the performance using Hybrid Fuzzy-PID. The input of the Fuzzy system is the error and power of the system. Where error is correlated with matric Q and power is correlated with matric R. Therefore, adjusting the fuzzy rule on error and power is like adjust matrices Q and R in LQR method. The proposed algorithm can reduce energy consumption. However, system response is slightly decrease shown from ISE (Integral Square Error). The energy reduction average is up to 5.58% while the average of ISE increment is up to 1.89%. The more speed variation in the system, the more energy can be saved by the proposed algorithm. While in terms of settling time, the proposed algorithm has the longest time due to higher computation time in the fuzzy system. This performance can be increased by tuning fuzzy rules. This algorithm offers a solution for a complex system which difficult to be modeled

    Meningkatkan Kualitas Genteng Hasil Produksi IKM Kebakkramat Karanganyar untuk Memenuhi SNI 03-2095-1998

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    Mayoritas masyarakat di Pulau Jawa menggunakan genteng sebagai atap bangunan. Genteng yang beredar di pasar, sebagian besar dari IKM yang belum memenuhi standar kualitas sesuai SNI 03-2095-1998. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas genteng supaya memenuhi SNI 03-2095-1998 dilakukan pendekatan eksperimen proses pembuatan genteng. Ekperimen dilakukan pada komposisi bahan baku pembuat genteng. Bahan baku utama adalah tanah liat, sedangkan bahan baku lain adalah serbuk kaca dan abu sisa pembakaran kayu. Pemanfaatan bahan ini sebagai usaha untuk memanfaatkan limbah lingkungan. Strategi eksperimen dilaksanakan untuk mendapat komposisi bahan yang menghasilkan kualitas genteng yang sesuai SNI 03-2095-1998. Eksperimen dilaksanakan dengan melibatkan pembuat genteng, sehingga hasil optimal dapat diterapkan dalam industri pembuatan genteng. Kualitas yang diukur adalah kekuatan tekan dan penyerapan air. Hasil eksperimen menunjukan bahwa kekuatan tekan adalah  371,72 Kgf dan penyerapan air adalah 0,16%. Hasil optimal ini sudah memenuhi syarat kualitas genteng menurut SNI 03-2095-1998

    A Spectral and Energy Efficiency of Adaptive Modulation (AM) with Power Control in Wireless Sensor Network

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    This paper presents a combination of power control and adaptive modulation performance in wireless sensor networks (WSN). WSN comprised numerous smart and small sensor nodes with limited power, memory, and processing. Furthermore, there is an impairment wireless channel between the sensor node and the coordinator node. Energy and spectral efficiency are essential issues in WSN. These two targets can be reached by applying a combination of power control and adaptive modulation. This work proposes a power control system to determine the modulation level through feedback SNR value of instantaneous wireless channel condition. The modulation level continuously changed based on the wireless channel condition. This adaptive modulation increases spectral efficiency. A better channel condition will drive to switch into a higher modulation level and vice versa. The result shows that the existence of power control can increase by about 9% of spectral efficiency than a system without power control. The system without power control just has a 91 % of selection probability, while the system equipped with power control creates a 100 % selection probability at the same of modulation level (16 QAM). Besides, combining power control with adaptive modulation also adjusts transmitting power at sensor nodes so that the effective use of transmitting power at the sensor node can be achieved. Combining power control and adaptive modulation can decrease the power consumption, enlarge the spectral efficiency with specific target bit error rate (BER), reduce the interference level, and significantly improve the WSN system performance

    Energy Monitoring and Control of Automatic Transfer Switch between Grid and Solar Panel for Home System

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    In this digital age, most aspects of life require an electric supply. The availability of electrical power is very critical to maintaining the continuity of the system in various applications. To maintain system continuity, the Energy Monitoring and Control of an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) between the Grid and Solar Panel is proposed. The system consists of an Automatic Transfer Switch, Home Solar Power Plant, and Automatic Charging. The function of the monitoring system is to monitor the voltage, current, and power across the device, the operation mode of the ATS, and the State of Charge (SoC) of the battery. The control system is to control the operation mode of ATS according to the energy source selected by the user on the Internet of Things (IoT) interface. The results show that the system can successfully monitor solar panel conditions, AC output, and battery's State of Charge through Blynk IoT. The ATS works automatically with a switching delay of 20ms to 26ms, while on the user's command, the average switching delay is 303.33ms to activate the relay and 185ms to deactivate the relay

    Pelatihan Desain Dan Internet Untuk Mewujudkan Desa Berliterasi Digital

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    Saat ini dunia sudah berada pada era digital dan revolusi industri 4.0, yang berhubungan dengan Internet dan teknologi digital. Kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) yang pesat khususnya internet menjadikan pekerjaan lebih ringan. Dengan kemampuan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan dipadukan kesadaran literasi di era digital maka masyarakat akan mampu menggunakan TIK untuk hal-hal yang positif dan bermanfaat serta terhindar dari hal-hal yang negatif. Namun banyak masyarakat yang belum bisa menggunakan TIK seperti membuat dokumen, desain dasar, dan pemakaian internet. Untuk itu perlu digencarkan pelatihan-pelatihan TIK untuk masyarakat. Pelatihan ini berkerjasama dengan Yayasan Hubbul Khoir yang terletak di Dukuh Ngentak, Bulakrejo, Sukoharjo. Pada pelatihan desain dengan menggunakan aplikasi Inkscape. Aplikasi Inkscape dipilih karena aplikasi ini gratis dan sangat popular untuk saat ini. Pelatihan desain ini telah terlaksana pada tanggal 12-16 September 2020. Karena masih pandemic Covid-19, pelatihan diadakan secara online lewat Whatsapp, Telegram dan Zoom. Peserta menjadi paham dan mengetahui seluk beluk internet dan penggunaan desain sesuai dengan modul/ materi yang telah diberikan

    Serial Evaluasi Pilkada Serentak di Indonesia (Bawaslu Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan)

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    Para pembaca yang budiman, buku yang berada di tangan anda ini merupakan ikhtiar dari Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum (Bawaslu) untuk menghadirkan catatan, pengalaman, data hasil pengawasan, penindakan pelanggaran serta proses penyelesaian sengketa dalam perjalanan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak sejak tahun 2015-2020. Rangkaian naskah ini merupakan serial Evaluasi Penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak yang ditulis oleh jajaran Bawaslu Provinsi dan Bawaslu Kabupaten/Kota seluruh Indonesia, termasuk proses pengawasan dalam masa pandemi Covid19. Sebagai sebuah seri penerbitan, terdapat sebanyak 34 buku yang mewakili pengalaman setiap wilayah Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota di dalam penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak di Indonesia. Penerbitan buku ini melengkapi upaya evaluasi penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum Serentak Nasional tahun 2019 dalam 7 buku serial sebelumnya